Lettering Criteria

For the students who have established organizations that choose MIST as their official extracurricular activity, the competitors who win 1st-5th place in any competitive event should be qualified to letter in that organization, depending on your school's requirements. We highly recommend that you establish an MSA to take advantage of this opportunity. Check with your individual high school for further rules on lettering.

To take advantage of this, it is advised that the MSA set up a lettering point system. For example, in order for a member to letter, he or she must earn a certain number of points along with winning at MIST. The points can come from attending a certain number of meetings, events, and activities sponsored by the MSA.

Sample System

Made by Clear Brook High School in Houston, Texas (modified)

MSA is a vital part of our high school experience, and it's only fair that we include the MSA memory as a patch on our letter jackets (if we have one). Our district (CCISD) has only one qualification for getting a patch for a club (as of yet), and that is to have a merit system. The following is our merit system and why we felt it was essential for our club:

Merit System Method

MSA, in hopes of encouraging the members to get involved, has decided to have a merit system starting this school year. The merit system follows a system of points. Activities the member participates in will be recorded. To be considered active, a member should regularly come to meetings, and do any of the following. The following is the point break down for our merit system.

Goal: reach 500 points.

  1. Weekly Friday Meetings: 10 pts
  2. Attending Monthly Educational Session: 10 pts
  3. Giving an Educational Talk: 50 pts
  4. Making Posters/Fliers/Social Media posts, etc. : 2 pts
  5. Volunteering: 5 pts/hr
  6. Fundraising: 5 pts
  7. Group Activities: (Homecoming Activities, Carnival, School Events, etc): 10 pts/hr
  8. MIST: 100 pts